Another day in the life of a human…


July 22, 2021

Do you ever feel like you’re in limbo and there is only so much you can control? Yea. I’m sure ya do. It can certainly have its moments of frustration. I do try to latch on to things in my life that I am grateful for and gifts that can come out of a plot twist…but for those first few moments…it’s a blow.

I’ve been living in this amazing (count all my lucky stars) bungalow about ten blocks from the beach nestled in the heart of downtown Naples, FL. I refer to it as “my cozy cottage”. It’s one of those little old houses down an alleyway, hidden among the newer luxury condos that dominate the area now.

It was empty and not much to look at when I first peeked through the windows. I was amazed when a new acquaintance happened to mention it one day and I could not believe my fortune! I knew exactly what I could do with a gem like this!

I have been renting it for 6 years! Within these years of living I have made this cozy cottage my home. My haven. My “I’m perfectly content staying home tonight” safe space – – happy to indulge in my introvert tendencies.

During the first year, upon arriving home from a trip to visit a friend, my mother had planted a beautiful “cottage style” garden in the backyard. A rainbow of flowers. Garden stools and an iridescent gazing ball that tossed the sunlight all around. It was stunning! Still is.

And then a plot twist…

I received that phone call I knew would one day arrive from my landlord. The one that alerts me it’s time to gut the place and turn it into luxury condos (kind of plot twist). The one that announces that I have two months to find a new dream home (and good luck because the real estate market is bananas).

So the last few weeks I have downloaded as many rental apps I could find and have been on this search. Summer plans completely changed. The stability of my routine and contentness with knowing what was coming tomorrow (as much as you can predict) is scattered to the wind. I’m in limbo. Drives me nuts.

I’ve definitely had to pick up on some tips and tricks for jumping on a listing. And just last week I was so very excited that I had found a place I felt good about. More money?? yes. Seems to be an average price range that is unavoidable. Man, I must have been living like a queen the last few years completely unaware of reality (my cozy cottage bubble). So I felt fortunate to find a place that stood out among the others and I hopped on it faster than lightning! And guess what? I was the first person — after weeks of being too slow to inquire about a property or make a decision (sign my life away for a year). So, I submitted an application….and I was approved!!!!! All set. Good to go. Couldn’t wait!

And then….plot twist (of course)!

“It’s going to be okay…I just know it” (I keep telling myself)

Last night I received an email that the current tenant in the new apartment decided to stay. “I’m sorry,” the real estate agent told me. “You did everything right,” she added.

So…I slept on it. And now…back on the hunt I suppose. No choice there.

So before (and during this process) my best step is to pause and recognize what I am grateful for in the moment:

  • still having about 6 weeks till doomsday
  • I have a back-up plan (my aunt’s seasonal home and storage unit) if need be
  • friends that are looking with me
  • my family’s support
  • a heart of determination

I’ve got this! Just yell “plot twist” and move on, right? (very loud sigh)

The After: “My Cozy Cottage”
The Before: My new home prior to adding a bit of me to it

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