I love quotes!
I love walking into stores that have quote boxes surrounding me that are made to make us laugh, tear up, bring back memories, etc. If I see one in a window I just can’t help myself . . . I walk in open to inspiration and wisdom.
I love reading quotes in books, and of course on Pinterest. I love the idea of applying them to my life.
Life-changing Quote:
I don’t think I’ve actually consciously thought to apply a quote to my life (that totally resonates with me – “mind blown”) until fairly recently (early 30s). Not until I came upon one about plot twists.
Have you heard this one: “When something goes wrong in your life just yell PLOT TWIST and keep going”? Pinterest baby!
Nowadays . . . even if no one is in front of me I practice popping a funny grin on, throwing my hands in the air like an excited cartoon character and calling out “PLOT TWIST!” into the empty room. I do this knowing that I’ll need to metaphorically throw on those big girl panties . . . the cute, ready for anything ones . . . and let it begin.
Whatever it is is here and is happening. How we respond has the potential to make it miserable or adventurous.
The choice is ours.

I consider myself a fairly positive person. I receive light from smiles that greet me throughout the day.
It’s important to me to surround myself with people who to me feel like they were plucked from the stars and embedded into my life. I can go on and on.
But I was a child . . . and I was a teenager . . . and things happened that were out of my control and woooo would my mood be affected. I didn’t know how to see hope, inspiration, greener grass, etc . . . YET.
It Starts with a Choice
We watch things change in peoples’ lives (even teeny tiny things) and observe how they respond. And a lot of the time we people first think to panic, or become angry, or feelings of defeat come on quickly.
How often do we take something that was just dropped like a bomb in our life and just say, “OK here we go plot twist! I’m gonna take this challenge and greet it without PANICKING.”
How often do we actually choose to do that?
Please know I am so thankful when I have relief from a surprise turn in my reality. It has certainly helped me to be more proactive.
Like, if I know it’s likely that my guy is going to see the new bag of popcorn and eat it all in one sitting when he gets off work then maybe I’ll go ahead and pick up two bags (and stash one with a “don’t you dare” post-it on it) so I’m not surprised when I go to reach for the snack basket and it’s empty.
I know it can have the power to throw me off for the next hour if I let it . . . ridiculous, right? This goes for wine too.
If I let it . . . a Reminder to Self
“If I let it” is another phrase I’m really trying to keep in mind.
It has a lot to do with what we allow which means how we respond to things that happen.
So, if I don’t want to run out of aluminum foil unexpectedly when I need to wrap up the second half of the delicious quesadilla I just made, I need to make sure I have a backup in my extra supply bin up in the closet next to the toilet paper, Ziploc baggies and olive oil (Thank you plot twist: pandemic of 2020).
“If I let it” can apply to so many things in life. Am I right?
I’ll have lots of time to get into some of those. This was merely a tiny example.
But this taking on a plot twist thing . . . wooooo . . . It’s really helping me to be more adaptable.